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Spellbound - Cara Lynn Shultz I really, really enjoyed Spellbound. I had no idea what to expect when I picked this book up. It sounded interesting and like it would be a good read, but not a GREAT read. Well not even into Chapter three I was already proven wrong. It was so good! I stayed up really late reading it and was quickly trapped inside the book.It reminded me a bit of Gossip Girl, only with a little twist of paranormal in it. The characters were also very unique. Emma is a very strong and a kick ass character. She deals with a lot from her past, but still manages to stand on her two feet and not be knocked down by anyone. Brendan is the richest and most wanted boy in school. So of course when he begins to give Emma attention things turn ugly for Emma. What I liked the most about Brendan and Emma's relationship was that, even though they had an immediate attraction to one another, it wasn't rushed and jumped right into. Shultz took her time developing a relationship between the two. It wasn't hard at all for me to love them both.The plot was also very entertaining. I don't really want to give away anything, but it was well thought out and written perfectly. Everything flowed smoothly and made sense. Not once did I find myself confused or re-reading to try and understand. Shultz did a really good job at explaining everything and describing things making it very easy to picture.The only little issue I had (this is a bit of a spoiler) is that, like LOTS of stories out there today, Brendon gives Emma attention, then next thing you know he acts like she doesn't exist. But I will say that Shultz did not carry this out very long, so it's not something that will ruin the story for you. This was a great story! A Must Read! As Wanda likes to say... A Good Choice for Reading lol.4 out of 5 Stars