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River Road (Sentinels of New Orleans Series #2)

River Road  - Suzanne  Johnson If you are looking for a book that keeps you on the edge, makes you laugh, makes you want to scream, and sucks you into loving all the characters -- even the bad ones -- then River Road is definitely for you!I devoured this book in only a couple of hours. The biggest thing that I enjoyed a lot was how easily I could picture everything; the characters, the world, certain objects, etc. I literally felt like I was a part of this story. I was so invested in DJ and the other characters that I was even on the villain’s side. Johnson also introduces you to new creatures of the “other world” in River Road. And of course we get a little more of our favorite vampire pirate, Jean Lafitte. My third favorite character! DJ by far, though, is my favorite character, then Alex. Talk about swoon worthy… I loved him in Royal Street, and love him even more in River Road. He really steps up his game in this one. The relationship between him and DJ definitely steps up a level. I love all the bickering between the two. There is so much sexual tension and it makes you want to scream KISS ALREADY! They are great as friends, partners, and (hopefully) a couple in love. This is definitely a series that I will ALWAYS recommend when someone asks me for a book recommendation. It has the right amount of romance, tons of suspense, action, and just lots of humor. I am looking forward to the third book in the series and any other books that Suzanne Johnson writes. If you read the first in the series, Royal Street, I would like to know what you think of it. Let me know! 4 out of 5 stars!